Usually, when I'm on Help Island, I'm the only one there. Rarely is another mentor available to come out and assist. Alot of that is due to the time I'm in-world so I understand completely. The mentors that are on when I am, are also very busy with other things. It is afterall a volunteer position and you're not required to be on beck and call. It's just that some are more wrapped up in the title and wish to use it as a lever. Over the past 6 months though, it seems that the Mentors have less respect than they did when I was rezzed.
We get a ton of questions from mostly the new citizens. I've found myself lately, although being a patient Jogauni, having less patience for stupidity.
I'm considering an addendum blog, with things like the Terms of Service, Community Standards, and a FAQ for those people who want to know a little bit more about the questions we face on a daily (I say daily, but it's more like when we are on duty) basis.
The most common questions are:
- "How do I make money?"
- "How can I sell things?" (which goes along with making money)
- "I'm new, what do I do next?"
- "Why do I have to wear clothes? I like the breeze between my legs"
- "Can you give me some free stuff?" (I totally hate beggers)
- "Can I have a gun? I want to shoot someone in the sandbox."
These are just a few of the questions we get. I'll chronicle some of the really obscure questions later.... (obscure meaning......... well there's no easy way to say it........ ah, uneducated, that's a good word.)